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Hey guys,

Hey guys,

It's been a while since my last post. It's been pretty hard lately, school is eating me alive and I'm trying to just fight back and figure things out about what I am planning to do with my life in the future. I'm so lost, really.

Moreover, I'm pretty sure majority of you guys heard and was quite hard for some of you guys more than others. Last month, I honestly cried the so hard than what I've ever cried for someone. Shinee, has done so much for me, and changed me into the person that I am today. In the past, Shinee helped me and motivate me to continue life at my fullest and to see that there is more out there in the world other than the simple life that I am living now, they became my everyday life and something that many get reminded of when they think about me.

I know many might believe that I am just a fan girl who is crying over the death of someone who never knew me, well at least that is what many believe. But it's not. To those out there who are still hurt and can't find a way to feel better, keep in mind that you are not the only one. Because I am here with you guys, shedding tears at least once a day.

Jonghyun situation it is still really hard to process although its been more than 3 weeks. What he went trough, its something that breaks me into pieces.

I know what I say or write does not make sense because I am a mess right now, But all I want to tell you guys is that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, a friend I am here for you guys. I myself have been a victim of depression. So please know that you are not alone in this shi**y world that we live on. Reach out to someone please... because life will get better. Just don't give up.

The least we can do know for our boys now is to comfort them and show them that we still support them with their decisions they take.

Keep fighting guys! I believe in you all.

- Jess <3

SHINee V WORLD. Los Angeles, California
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