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Hello c':

Hello. It's been a while hasn't? I would like to start off, by hoping that everyone had a great Halloween, (if you celebrate it) if no, a great October.

November is just starting, and I'm going to be honest, since I am a senior in high school, college application are due within 4 weeks, and I am freaking out. Honestly. For those out there that are going, and are applying or already applied to colleges, I wish you the best of luck!!! really c:


Moving on..... the Mnet Asian Music Awards 2017, better known as MAMA, is just around the corner!! Which makes me happy, but at the same time it stresses the crap out of me. We all know, that this awards usually go to the most poplar groups, unlike other groups that do not have the same populated fandom and do not stand a chance against them. Which it angers me so much, because there is so many groups out there that deserve to get the recognition, just like and even more than those that we all already know are taking the awards home by the end of the day.

OK, I do not want to get hate, because I have a feeling majority of you guys think you know who I am referring to. Which I am not spreading hate, trust me. I just would want for other groups to have the same recognition. They deserve it, and also work hard in every single of their comebacks, and within themselves.

But there is nothing we can really do at the end of the day. I just wish that for once, fandoms can behave with one another, and not cause trouble or provoke other fandoms. Since all they just really want is to see their groups succeed and have a good time with one another.

So remember when watching the MAMAs or any other Award show, do not spread negativity in the comments section. Try to supports every single fandom even though you do not 'stan' the group, and allow everyone to have a good time. (:

Just to summarize: Honey; please do not be the annoying person in the comments section that spams with the name of the group you like when another group is performing. It's really annoying, and it makes you seem pathetic.


SHINee V WORLD. Los Angeles, California
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